LGBTQ+ Nursing and Healthcare Organizations to Join or Support

Gayle Morris, MSN
Updated on June 21, 2022
    LGBTQ+ nursing organizations are vital in promoting equity. Consider participating in organizations that support cultural competence and advocate for change.
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    LGBTQ+ individuals experience inequities in the healthcare system. Healthcare and LGBTQ+ nursing organizations are vital to helping protect the community. They provide equitable care and attention to unique healthcare needs. Nurses must also have cultural competence to provide nursing care for and treat members of the LGBTQ+ community.

    The following are nursing and healthcare organizations that cater to the community and offer ways for the public to support their efforts.

    LGBTQ+ Nursing and Healthcare Organizations

    When marginalized individuals are denied high-quality healthcare, it affects all of society. The LGBTQ+ community can face unjust barriers, discrimination, and a lack of training in healthcare professionals that can impact their ability to live healthy lives.

    In response to these challenges, LGBTQ+ nursing organizations have stepped forward to help support the community. These organizations aim to:

    • Promote better healthcare
    • Advocate for housing equality
    • Advocate to reduce health disparities
    • Support legislative initiatives
    • Promote education
    • Collaborate with research
    • Protect the aging LGBTQ+ community
    • Aid in prevention, care, and support for people with HIV
    • Fight bullying in the school system

    The American Nurses Association (ANA) also recognizes that nurses must deliver culturally competent care and advocate for the LGBTQ+ community. The ANA position statement includes the commitment to eliminating health disparities and inequities, discrimination, and obstacles based on an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identification.

    The organizations listed below have a history of giving support to the LGBTQ+ community. They also have ways for others to support their efforts through donations, events, or membership.

    1. Black Trans Advocacy Coalition

    The BTAC are ambassadors for Black transgender equality. Its mission is to overcome violence and injustice through the power, value, and love of all people. The organization has divisions that advocate for health, housing, and employment equality.

    How to Support: Donate to the FOLX Health – Transgender Hormone Replacement Therapy Fund to support trans, nonbinary, and intersex individuals accessing hormone replacement therapy.

    2. Gay & Lesbian Medical Association

    The GLMA has a 30-year history in which they have fought for equality in LGBTQ+ healthcare. They have used advocacy and education to drive changes in healthcare and collaborate with civil rights and health organizations.

    How to Support: Donate to the Lesbian Health Fund to support research in reproductive technology, osteoporosis, and treating stress. They also research lesbian domestic violence and the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.

    3. The Fenway Institute

    The Fenway Institute addresses the needs of sexual and gender minorities and people affected by HIV. The organization conducts policy research on issues that affect the community. They provide health education programming and access to life-prolonging benefits. They also offer protections for the LGBTQ+ aging community.

    How to Support: Donate to Fenway Health to support programs and services led by physicians, researchers, and nurses to further the organization’s mission of providing quality care and advocacy.

    4. The Association of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Addiction Professionals and Their Allies

    NALGAP was founded in 1979 to address LGBTQ+ alcohol and addiction issues. They have been a constant national and international voice for the community in the prevention and treatment of substance misuse, alcoholism, and other addictions.

    The organization promotes education and advocacy while offering training and opportunities for networking.

    How to Support:Attend events NALGAP sponsors or supports to learn more about how to promote prevention and treatment for substance misuse in the LGBTQ+ community.

    5. HealthHIV

    HealthHIV is a national nonprofit organization that works with healthcare providers and organizations to advocate and educate the community on the prevention of HIV and caring for people living with HIV. The organization uses education, training, technical assistance, and research while leading several initiatives.

    These programs address the needs of the LGBTQ+ communities with hepatitis C and other health issues. The organization offers certification in HIV primary care and prevention.

    How to Support: Sign up for the newsletter to stay informed or join the National Coalition for LGBTQ Health.

    6. National LGBTQ Cancer Network

    The organization educates the LGBTQ+ community about the increased cancer risks and the importance of early screening and detection. They train healthcare providers and advocate for survivors within other cancer organizations. The organization also offers cultural competency training for health and human service providers.

    How to Support: Join the mailing list to stay on top of the organization’s advocacy efforts and available training.

    7. LGBT HealthLink

    This is a community-driven national network of healthcare professionals who advocate for reducing health disparities. They provide opportunities to prepare and link community-based organizations and public health systems. They use a grassroots network to facilitate collaboration, communication, and advocacy.

    How to Support: Stay up to date with news and information for healthcare providers on the HealthLink News page.

    8. Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays

    PFLAG was founded in 1973 and was the first and largest group dedicated to the LGBTQ+ community. Through a network of hundreds of chapters and over 250,000 members, PFLAG supports, educates, and advocates for the LGBTQ+ people and their families. They publish newsletters, offer a scholarship for LGBTQ+ students, and have an online learning community.

    How to Support: A $50 donation gives you membership to the national organization. There are several other ways to donate to the organization, including the Thoron State Advocacy Fund or Cepek Ally Action Fund.

    9. Human Rights Campaign Foundation

    The nonprofit organization promotes a change in how LGBTQ+ people are treated through public education, research, and policy change. The organization was started in 1984 to empower strategic partners and allies to be strong advocates. They leverage these relationships to advance policy objectives at the local, state, national, and international levels.

    How to Support:Get involved by signing up for the newsletter, attending local conferences, or donating to the campaign.

    10. The Trevor Project

    The Trevor Project is the largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention group for the LGBTQ+ community. They estimate more than 1.8 million LGBTQ+ young adults consider suicide each year. They have trained counselors who can help 24/7 every day of the year and have recorded over 200,000 calls, chats, and texts in the past year. The organization also advocates for legislative change, contributes to research, and provides educational tools.

    How to Support: Donate with a one-time or recurring gift of your choice to help fund the organization’s activities.