Nurses to Follow on Pinterest

NurseJournal Staff
Updated October 3, 2023
    Pinterest is increasingly being used as a search engine and is a popular social media platform for nurses. It offers a great ratio of nursing and non-nursing content. Some nurses on Pinterest exclusively pin nursing content, while others incorporate their ... Read More
    Pinterest is increasingly being used as a search engine and is a popular social media platform for nurses. It offers a great ratio of nursing and non-nursing content. Some nurses on Pinterest exclusively pin nursing content, while others incorporate their lifestyle into their pin boards. Since Pinterest has a variety of images and tutorials, and it is the perfect place for nurses to relax and unwind. Escape the drama on Facebook and join these nurses pinning about their passions, work, and life:

    #1 iStudentNurse

    This account is managed by a group of nurses whose mission is to help nursing students be successful in nursing school. Their pin boards are almost exclusively nursing related, and offer a mix of study materials with shopping products. One pin board that stands out from the rest is the Nursing Blogs/Websites board which highlights the nursing community.Follow iStudentNurse

    #2 essentialnurse (Joyce Harrell Wellness)

    Joyce is nurse, and coach who speaks about Wholistic Living to professional women. Her boards are full of healthy and inspirational living pins. Her group board Emotional Balance focuses on inner balance and is one of her contributions to a series of group boards developed by a group of nurses using #nursecollab.Follow essentialnurse

    #3 DawnGinese (Dawn Ginese)

    As a nurse, Dawn uses music and art to teach young children about healthy living. From germs to teeth care The Singing Nurse has a song and or activity for teaching kids in a fun way. Her Pinterest boards include resources for nurses, parents, and school teachers that need help to teach young children about their health.Follow DawnGinese

    #4 neyeroll (Nurse Eye Roll)

    Nurse Eye Roll is a blogger whose Pinterest account is a mix of content but ultimately stays dedicated to nursing. Her (Note: Her is an assumption because this account thrives on the mystery of identity. The profile photo seems to depict a woman, but it could be a stock image) board For Nurslings Only includes funny and educational nursing pins. Be sure and check out the blog too!Follow neyeroll

    #5 frugalnurse (Frugal Nurse)

    Frugal Nurse teaches nurses how to be save money by taking care of their health and questions Who can afford to get sick? Most of the pin boards are focused on saving money and offers practical health solutions. This account has a board dedicated to Great Books about Healthcare featuring readings that attempt to address the issue of Why healthcare is so expensive and why it got that way.Follow frugalnurse

    #6 annarod (The Days when I’m not a Nurse- Anna Rodrigurez)

    This account is perfect for nurses that want to focus on the fun things in life (besides nursing). Her Pinterest account helps nurses relax with pins about home, food and holidays. Be sure and read Anna’s blog The Days when I’m not a Nurse which has tidbits about nursing and life.Follow annarod

    #7 adoseofpaige (Page Nicole)

    Another great account to check out is A Dose of Paige. Paige is a cardiac nurse from Memphis Tennessee whose Pinterest account is associated with her blog. She is a nurse by night and a blogger by day. Her Pinterest account includes a variety of topics such as fashion, DIY projects, and nursing. Connect with her on Pinterest and on her blog.Follow adoseofpaige

    #8 khaldiman (The Paleo Nurse)

    Katy’s Pinterest account is filled with nutritional and Paleo goodness. She is a Registered Nurse and Nutritional Therapist which owns a business which offers nutritional therapy services. While there are plenty of Paleo recipes on her pin boards, two of the boards are geared toward getting into shape. This nurse in business also has a website with a blog/podcast that focuses on the Paleo lifestyle.Follow khaldiman

    #9 nurse70 (Nurses Stuff)

    Nurses Stuff is a Pinterest account that belongs to a nurse that has been in the profession for over 30 years with a focus on nurse education. This nurse utilizes her nurse education experience to sell posters that are designed for the nursing classroom. This account has plenty of study material for nursing students.Follow nurse70

    #10 nomadicnolazcos (The DIY Nurse- Caroline Nolazco)

    A self-professed Nomadic OR Nurse with a passion for DIY projects, and interior design her Pinterest account is full of beautiful pins. If you are searching for a way to take your mind off of a long day at work, be sure to check out her Pinterest account and her blog.Follow nomadicnolazcosAre you a nurse on Pinterest that wants your account featured? Be sure and leave your Pinterest information as a comment below.

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